Academo secures financing for the construction of a new academic campus the EIB and CDP, partly backed by
European Investment Fund EIF entrusted to manage 200 million of European structural funds and national reso
The EIB and MicroBank have signed a 100 million loan that MicroBank will top up with a further 100 million t
The Fund targets to invest in renewable energy projects in the MENAT and EECA regions.
The technical assistance platform aims to build the capacity of ADBs developing member countries DMCs to strategically plan, implement, and finance just transition, to manage any negative impacts, and increase benefits the transition to net zero.
Coinciding with the Climate Summit and as a continuation of QNB ALAHLIs successful series of partnerships dur
SCALE will provide grants for verifiable emissions reductions and expand the funding sources for global public goods.
EBRD aims to instill confidence in the green transition and enthusiasm for the opportunities it offers.
The Asian Development Bank ADB and other international financial institutions IFIs are for the first time
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